

Today we talked about time in different societies and the English words associated with them. For homework, answer the following question:
The English language has many proverbs and sayings about time.
1. Time is money.
This means that as for time, it is valuable almost as same as money. The money is necessary in the life, but it is important for an encounter with the person and the experience of things in time to spend.

2.A stitch in time saves nine.
This means "If you finish early anything, you will not have a problem later." This proverb is the words that are very necessary for present me. Because I put off what I should do at the time, what I regret if I do it at that time when it was it in such a thing happens quite often. Therefore I must spend time well.

3.There's no time like the present.
I think that I spend it carefully because there is never this meaning as for time like the present and mean. I think that it is rare to be sorry by "the future" if I value "the present".

4. Fashionable late.
I don't know this means.

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